£70 fine for parking on the pavement – MPs call for controversial ban

An influential group of MPs has announced that they are looking to ban parking on pavements in the UK to help the most vulnerable pedestrians.

The ban could make life easier for parents with pushchairs, schoolchildren and disabled people according to the House of Commons’ transport committee.

The Government has previously promising to review the law around parking on pavements, but they are yet to act upon it and have faced criticism.

As promising as the proposal is, the RAC has warned that the new law could help the most vulnerable however a blanket ban may do more harm than good.

This year saw the release of a statement from the head of roads policy at RAC, Nicholas Lyes who said that the law should “look carefully at how we can strike the right balance.”

He continued to add: “On Britain’s many narrow residential streets, drivers believe they are doing the right thing by putting a wheel or two on the kerb so as not to impede road access.”

Not only does pavement parking impede on pedestrian walkways but leaves local authorities with hefty repair bills from the damage to pavements. They are already under pressure relating to funding due to cuts, and some feel that this is an unnecessary use of their taxes.

If we look back to 2017 when we witnessed Martin Tett or the Local Government Association, who said that this money could be used to plug the UK’s “£12 billion roads repair bill” – of course this figure has most likely risen since then.

There has been apparent concern by the lack of progress made despite the issue of having a huge impact on the most vulnerable members of the public.

The chair of parliament’s transport committee, Lilian Greenwood MP said “Motorists may feel they have no choice but to park on the pavement and many try to do so in a considerate way, but evidence to our inquiry revealed the impact on those with visual and mobility impairments and people with children.”

Currently, the only place in the UK that it is illegal to park on the pavement is in London. Motorists can be slapped with a £70 fine for encroaching on the capital’s pavements.

This year, the Scottish Parliament agreed in principle to introduce a new law to combat the issue however a date to implement these rules has yet to be announced.

Female Personal Trainer Cardiff


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